
Okay, so blogging is hard. Well, the blogging part is easy but finding time to blog is difficult. Anyway, for the moment I’m going to ignore the fact that my last blog post was over six months ago in which I proclaimed I was back as a wannabe data scientist.... [Read More]

I'm back!

At least as an wannabe. In my last post I lamented about not blogging and not being a wannabe data scientist. But that time is over! [Read More]

Happy New Year! (And where have I been?)

This is probably too late for your traditional New Year post; however, it’s my first post of 2019, so there you go. It’s also the first since last summer, and a lot has happened since my last post. About that… [Read More]

My First Kaggle Competition (Part One)

Sorry about the delay in getting this post out. It was a combination of a little bit of procrastination and being distracted by Azure. (More on the second one later.) Before I get in to all the wonderful details about my submission to the Kaggle competition and the code behind... [Read More]